Printed Sheets of Books Published by National Publishing Houses (2006) |
項 目 |
Item |
圖書總印張(千印張) |
總印張比上 |
Total Printed Sheets of Books |
年增減(%) |
(1000 sheets) |
Increase |
合 計 |
新 出 |
重 印 |
租 型 |
Rate over |
Total |
New |
Reprint |
Publication |
Preceding |
Publication |
Publication |
for Rent |
Year(%) |
圖書總計 |
Total |
18022257 |
7907920 |
10046487 |
67850 |
3.58 |
使用《中國標準書號》 |
Publications with "China Interna- |
17934153 |
7858168 |
10008135 |
67850 |
3.63 |
圖書合計 |
tional Standard Book Number" |
馬克思主義、列寧主 |
Marxism-Leninism, |
45882 |
17913 |
27969 |
-14.81 |
義、毛澤東思想 |
Mao Zedong Thought |
哲學 |
Philosophy |
299501 |
200626 |
98875 |
1.63 |
社會科學總論 |
General Social Sciences |
213031 |
111054 |
101977 |
3.92 |
政治、法律 |
Politics and Law |
1355260 |
944020 |
343390 |
67850 |
11.85 |
軍事 |
Military Affairs |
38065 |
32192 |
5873 |
-17.65 |
經(jīng)濟 |
Economics |
1629760 |
969579 |
660181 |
1.11 |
文化、科學、教育、 |
Culture, Science, Education |
6367500 |
1968337 |
4399163 |
11.07 |
體育 |
and Sports |
語言、文字 |
Languages |
1788564 |
474264 |
1314300 |
0.83 |
文學 |
Literature |
816264 |
492081 |
324183 |
13.36 |
藝術 |
Arts |
241693 |
132390 |
109303 |
1.78 |
歷史、地理 |
History and Geography |
457669 |
326599 |
131070 |
-42.02 |
自然科學總論 |
General Natural Sciences |
17065 |
10382 |
6683 |
25.31 |
數(shù)理科學、化學 |
Mathematics, Physics |
427384 |
125556 |
301828 |
-13.81 |
and Chemistry |
天文學、地球科學 |
Astronomy and Geology |
42867 |
27621 |
15246 |
20.34 |
生物科學 |
Biology |
96497 |
35576 |
60921 |
-5.81 |
醫(yī)藥、衛(wèi)生 |
Medicine and Health Care |
957326 |
428301 |
529025 |
11.58 |
農業(yè)科學 |
Agricultural Science |
138120 |
80161 |
57959 |
7.26 |
工業(yè)技術 |
Industrial Technology |
2636428 |
1285747 |
1350681 |
-0.77 |
交通運輸 |
Transportation |
190385 |
76114 |
114271 |
-0.50 |
航空、航天 |
Aeronautics and Aerospace |
5201 |
4370 |
831 |
0.54 |
環(huán)境科學 |
Environmental Science |
60993 |
41854 |
19139 |
-12.02 |
綜合性圖書 |
General Books |
108698 |
73431 |
35267 |
49.40 |
不使用《中國標準書 |
Publications without "China International |
88104 |
49752 |
38352 |
-4.43 |
號》圖書合計 |
Standard Book Number" |
圖片 |
Pictures |
8790 |
3060 |
5730 |
57.02 |
國標(GB)、部標(BB) |
Standardization Documents |
67322 |
37973 |
29349 |
12.19 |
等標準類文件印品 |
such as National Standard, |
Department Standard |
活頁文選、活頁歌篇、 |
Loose-leaf Anthologies, Loose- |
11992 |
8719 |
3273 |
-54.89 |
小件印品等 |
leaf Songbooks and Pamphlets |